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St Valentine is Here Again

Who will you be showing love to this year? There are plenty of people that need it. We all tend to see St Valentines day as a time for the expression of romantic love, and for many it is. I have a another idea. In a world that is full of consumerism and recession there […]

Look Back, Let Go, Be Positive, Move Forward

Around about now people start talking about New Years resolutions, i tend not to as for me if you want to change something in your life you need to do it in the NOW and not on a random date. So this is my alternative,  a review. Take a step back to the same time […]

Eat, Drink but Stop and Think!

What is it all about? Now at this time of celebration let the eating and the drinking begin. The time to celebrate and give gifts to those that we care about is upon us, though the way that we celebrate it will vary. For some it will have been the pagan festival of Yule on […]

Happy Thanksgiving

What will you be doing this Thanksgiving? In a world of gratitude this is the best time of year. A time of mellow fruitfulness and harvest festivals. The barns are filled with food and we relax into the warm fire glow of dark cosy evenings. This was always the time of story telling and craft […]

Is happiness more important than money?

Today on-line carried out a survey in Singapore. 1,500 people responded making it Asia’s most comprehensive psychographic study in terms of the number of respondents, geographical coverage and insights into 16 key topics: Beauty, communication, education, entertainment, fashion, food, health, kids, love, luxury, media, money, sports, technology, travel and vehicles. One of the key findings […]

Living in the Present

The place that I really feel in the present is when I am meditating. The immediacy of the current breath is my now. The history of the pervious breath and the expectation of the next beach are lost in the intimacy of the present one. But that sense of being in the moment comes with […]

Money, money, money

Money is a powerful motivator. Often when I say to people ‘what would make you happy?’ money comes into it somewhere. If you then say how much do you want, most people say ‘a million’. An odd number really. Most people do not need or want a million. What they want is ‘enough’, so how […]

When it isn’t working

When you talk to people who achieve what they want from life, very few will tell you that it is easy. There will always be issues that get in the way and will need to be worked with, overcome or avoided. I am using the word ‘issue’ deliberately, I could have used problem, crisis, disaster […]

Let the mad people be mad

Here are two principles that stop us moving forward. The first is wanting or needing to change other people. The second is to be angry with, or about things that we cannot change. Both of these will create feelings of frustration and often resentment that will keep us locked into negative mind states forever. The […]

The path of intention

When you say something do you mean it? My teacher would tell me that the road to hell was paved with good intentions. In this sense the word intention assumes that we have Pan’s aims or ideas that we never complete or fulfil. If we take the opposite view and believe that we will compete […]