Split of a Second – Where your Present Lives

I’ve had a couple of brushes with nature in the past few years but this takes things to a new level.

Split of a Second is a short film that highlights once man’s pursuit of the moment. I’ve spent a lot of time in the Chamonix Valley. I know the very spot that he jumps from quite well. Not once did I think about doing what he does.

Still, there are lessons to be learned here for all of us:

  1. The simple act of being outdoors will nourish your soul. When was the last time you went for a walk or bike ride?
  2. Physical excursion is a great way to find your present. When was the last time your heart was beating faster than is should be?
  3. Fear can be a positive. As he says in the film ‘Fear is both positive and negative. It creates momentum…’
  4. There is as much joy in the lead up to a big event as in the event itself. Enjoy the process of creating your future by making the most of every step.

When I am about to jump, there is no past. There is no future. There is only the present moment.

What are you going to do today to find your present? You don’t need to throw yourself from the nearest mountain, dressed like a bird, but you owe it to yourself to make the most of right now.


Learn to be Grateful and Live in the Moment

Today is a Gift So Be Grateful

You think this is just another day in your life? It’s not just another day – it’s the one day that’s given to you TODAY. It’s a gift and the only appropriate response is gratefulness.

We’re big on gratutude at Live in the Present. We all have day to day issues to deal with but, ultimately, I think that can ALL be overcome with gratitude.

How? It’s remarkably easy. Like the video says, ‘Look at the sky!’ Nature is a great place to start. There is so much wonder to behold in our world. Every morning the sun rises. ‘But it’s cloudy, Ed!’, I hear you say. Well look at the clouds! They are AMAZING! Clouds are full of water. YOU are full of water.

What are you grateful for right now? Let us know in the comments or let us know via Twitter and Facebook.

Ed x

In the Moment

This New Yorker cartoon made us chuckle.

You may be in the moment, but which moment? Take a peak at our new book for ideas on how to live in the present.