TSHP452: Dealing with Doubt and Fear

What’s Coming This Episode?

Doubt and fear are both forms of anxiety and worry. We know that worrying is a habit as is being happy. If you are a worrier, or if you are happy, then you were not born like it, where did you learn it?

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Resource of the Week

  • Sean
  • Ed

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TSHP451: Surviving The Winter

What’s Coming This Episode?

Winter is here. Sort of. I mean, it’s quite cold and definitely dark. Anyway, it can have an impact on us (as discussed last week) so how do we make the most of it and keep our chins up?

Enjoy the show, it’s The Self Help Podcast!

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TSHP450: Ignore the Blue Monday Hype

What’s Coming This Episode?

Blink and you may have missed it… but ‘Blue Monday’ has been and gone – the (apparently) bleakest day of the year. Should we believe the hype? Can we avoid it completely??! Of course we can! Let’s dive in…

Enjoy the show, it’s The Self Help Podcast!

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Resource of the Week

  • Sean just said ‘Google it!’
  • Ed wants you to watch The Matrix. What a film!

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TSHP449: So You’re Considering a Career as a Therapist…

What’s Coming This Episode?

Sean and Ed (OK, mainly Sean) are always dishing out advice. Sean does it for a living. Could you? A career in therapy can be hugely rewarding. Obviously it’s not without a certain amount of risk – you’re letting yourself in for a lot of sensitive information that can weigh heavily on you – but what career doesn’t? Let’s have a chat about it…

Enjoy the show, it’s The Self Help Podcast!

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Resrouce of the Week

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TSHP448: How Modern Road Safety Messaging Has Made Us Less Safe

What’s Coming This Episode?

Look left, look right. The Green Cross Code. Road safety is drilled into us from a very early age… and rightly so! With an increasing number of weapons grade vehicles swooshing around our streets we’d be wise to take care. Right? Well… yes, but as Ed has found out in recent years, it’s far more complicated than that. Time for a new approach to road safety?

Enjoy the show, it’s The Self Help Podcast!

Show Notes and Links

Resrouce of the Week

  • Sean recommended completing an Advanced Driving Test
  • Ed linked to the amazing YouTube channel, Not Just Bikes

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TSHP447: New Years Resolution’s 2022

What’s Coming This Episode?

It’s that time again! The calendar clicks across to a new year and we are given the chance to set some serious goals for ourselves. How do we stick to them? Are they the right goals? How to we stay on track?? Happy new year!

Enjoy the show, it’s The Self Help Podcast!

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TSHP446: It’s Christmas time – see the light and the love

What’s Coming This Episode?

It is time to see the growing light of the lengthening days and shortening nights. Following the darkness of winter, that has its depth at the winter solstice and the longest night, comes the lightening, as the days draw out.

Enjoy the show, it’s The Self Help Podcast!

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TSHP445: Is it ever okay to lie?

What’s Coming This Episode?

Does Father Christmas exist? Does Boris Johnson exist?

This week the issue on every front page has been the issue of the staff at Number 10 having jolly Christmas parties while at the same time telling the rest of the world that they cannot. The repeated word is liar and lying. If you have ever had to deal with a liar you may well have a very strong point of view about it.

The word liar and lies seems to be a moveable feast that can change as and when we need them to. Is it ever okay to lie?

Enjoy the show, it’s The Self Help Podcast!

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TSHP444: Temper Tantrums & Dealing With Frustration

What’s Coming This Episode?

With Covid and related stresses I notice that fuses are getting shorter and intolerance is on the increase.

Do you listen to what you say? Do you hear the tone of your voice? Do you realise how you are heard by others? I guess if your answer to these questions was ‘no’ then you would probably not be reading this blog. However, becoming really aware of what is coming out of our mouths is an art and requires awareness and awake-ness.

Enjoy the show, it’s The Self Help Podcast!

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Resource of the Week

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Did you really just say that?

With Covid and related stresses I notice that fuses are getting shorter and intolerance is on the increase. 

Do you listen to what you say? Do you hear the tone of your voice? Do you realise how you are heard by others? I guess if your answer to these questions was ‘no’ then you would probably not be reading this blog. However, becoming really aware of what is coming out of our mouths is an art and requires awareness and awake-ness.

You only need to stand in a bus queue, sit in a coffee lounge to canteen and listen the voices around you to realise where people hold their consciousness. Sadly you will discover that the majority of what people are saying is negative or the tone that they are using is negative. There are many reasons people are talking the way that they are but the bottom line is usually that the majority of people hold negative images and beliefs about themselves, life and about others. In current Covid fun this tendency is magnified.

From being children we have learned all that we know from what we heard and what we saw. In the beginning this was from our mother and our father and that went on to become our siblings, teachers, cultures and nationalities and so on. And we have gone on repeating all that we have learned again and again and again until we believe it to be the truth. We the reinforce this because we hear what what we say and this strengthens our basic beliefs. If you see negative things in other people and you verbalise your negative thought you will hear those negative thoughts and simply continue to have more negative thoughts. These create more and more negative feelings.

You will never find happiness or contentment 

while you have negative thoughts about other people 

The two things can never go together. If you think or say anything negative about another person, and you hear what you have just said, you have simply added another little pebble to the negative mountain inside you.  If on the other hand you have a positive thought or say something positive about another person it is as though you have just taken a little pebble off the negative mountain. Many positive thoughts will rid you of the burden of negativity that you carry around with you. It is important to remember that you may also be saying and feeling negative things about yourself. The more you do this the harder it is to have positive self esteem.

You can always tell negative people because they find it hard to say anything that is positive. If it sunny they will be expecting rain, if it is raining they will be expecting a flood. They will suffer illnesses, bad luck and assume, in someway, that the universe is out to get them, they may also feel that people don’t like them and become distrustful.

Thoughts become things

The magic of thoughts is that they precede the words. When you think a thought you do not need to say it out load for it to have its effect. If you have good thoughts you will taking the pebbles away from the negative mountain and lightening your load. If on the other hand you spend your time ruminating on negative thoughts you will simply add to the negative mountain and the burden that you are carrying. 

There are particular words that add greatly to the negative mountain. These will include most swear words and profanities. The word ‘can’t’ should be banned completely because if you say hat you can’t you hear it and it is a done deal. If you say “I can’t do that” then you are right you can’t do it. 

The other words that do not serve us well are ‘ought’, ‘should’ and ‘must’. The only reason we ever need to act is because we want or desire to do something. There is nothing that we ought to do, there is nothing that should do and, there is nothing that we must do. The only relevant action is that of free choice.

Just as you hear what you say other people hear what you say. When you are negative with there people you simply are adding to the negative mountain within them. When you act with kindness and love you are lightening their load. In all forms of therapy and healing it is the acceptance by the therapist with unconditional positive regard of the person that they are working with that does the healing. 

When we use thoughts and words that treat us with unconditional positive regard we feed ourself with the highest positive emotions, we develop self confidence, happiness and love. We allow ourself to enjoy the magic of being alive.

But the world is full of choices. Listen to yourself. If what you are saying makes you feel good then, say more of it. If, on the other hand, it make you feel not so good, then change your script. And remember that we all effect our children because they are listening to what we say and observing how we act.

In this time of Covid as we approach the joy of Christmas be happy and love what comes out of your mouth, a if you don’t love it change it. 

Sean x