Intuition a blessing and a curse
Intuition is the sixth sense that resides above cognition and below awareness.
When it is below awareness we call it ‘gut reaction’. Perhaps we meet someone and have an instant feeling about them, maybe that they are not so good. Yet we allow our cognitive mind to override our gut feeling. Other people have told us what a nice person they are, they have told us of the good things that they have done. So, we buy into it, get swept away, go along with it. Later on, when it all goes wrong, we remember that gut feeling. We might even become angry and frustrated with our self for not listening to that inner voice in the first place, and we decide that next time we really will listen to it, but do we?
There are skills that utilise this intuition below awareness such as healing and massage. The practitioner, in simply touching someone’s body, can ‘feel’, and feel is the right word here, all kinds of things about the patient. They intuitively know where the tensions are and can feel where the problems are and what is needed for them to be undone. Included in these skills might be reflexology, reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, doIn and even physiotherapy, chiropractics and osteopathy.
There is an intuitive psychic skill termed ‘psychometry’ that happens in the intuition below awareness. This is where the psychometrist can hold a personal possession and, by attuning to it, giving an insightful reading about the owner. Perhaps descriptive of personality, problems, forthcoming or past events and, solutions. Even readers of Tarot cards, crystal balls, sand and, runes are all using intuition below awareness. Probably the most acceptable practise here is the water dowser, or diviner, who is able through the medium of the dowsing rods or twigs to connect with a water source. Dowsing is also used to find minerals, oil and precious metals. People such as Uri Geller use this energy to bend spoons.
At the other end intuition above cognition often gets a bad press. This is the world of the ‘Clair’ or clear. To have clear vision is to be clairvoyant and is seen, by many, as a nonsense rather than a real sense. The clairaudient will hear. Not in the way that a psychotic hears voices but as a true inner voice that is meaningful and insightful and, usually, right. Then there is the clairscient who simply just knows. This is knowing without knowing, as though a file of information has simply been dropped into their head and they seem to have a depth of knowledge about us that defies our understanding.
We all have the sense of intuition whether it is highly developed or not, and, by the way, it can be developed just as a weight lifter can build a bicep. When it works we know who is on the phone before we pick it up. Or, we are thinking of someone and then they ring. Or we discover that something has happened to someone while they were in our thoughts.
While intuition is not held with much value by western psychology, that is often stunted by its obsession with cognition, or the thinking mind, eastern psychology holds it in high regard. The dot in the centre of the forehead represents the bindi, third eye, Ajna Chakra or pituitary gland, you choose. It acknowledges this part of the human mind brain system that is intuition. It is said that what you hold in your Bindi will come to pass. This suggests that the intuitive function of the mind brain may not simply be a passive recipient of information but might also be able to create, or tune into future events and experiences. This involves the higher or creative mind.
Imagination, creativity, intuition and thinking are all aspects of the mind that effect, and control, our perceptual experience. However, it is only the intuitive aspect of the mind that is passive, all the others are being active. Developing the intuitive mind involves mindfulness meditation. In meditation we learn to relax the bodily tensions, still the thinking mind and allow contemplation of the intuitive mind to flow. The developing medium or seer perfects these skills so that with practice they develop clearer and clearer insight.
Intuition and insight are both a blessing and a curse. We may not like the things that we see. They may be distressing or painful. Often those that develop such insight will feel separate and alone. There are few people who truly understand what the intuitive person experiences. The blessing is the magic of knowing the unknowable. This can be blissful and joyous, together with a feeling of connectivity to all of creation, beyond compare.
We all have some level of insight. When you see or feel things about others check it out and see if you can develop your intuitive gifts.
Take care and be happy
Sean x
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