Giving and Receiving

The law of attraction would state that you need to be able to give in order to receive. This law is identifying that to receive requires a space for things to flow into. If, for example you give money to charity, you create a space in your financial energy that allows more energy, or money, to flow into. It is suggested that the universe abhors a vacuum, whenever one occurs energy will flow into it to fill the space and balance the energy. What we experience as wind is nothing other than air moving from areas of high pressure to balance an area of low pressure, it is the low pressure that creates the wind flow. It would seem that the universe prefers a balance of energy; this is true in all systems.

Are you a giver or a taker?

It is often said that people are one or the other, givers or takers, and that is often the way that it is. In my occupational health role in organisations I see the ‘minimalists’ who will take all that they can while doing as little as possible and the ‘maximalists’ who will do all that they can to ensure that the job gets done and customer needs are met. In society it is those that are doers, givers, and are proactive who are carrying those that are the done to, the takers who are inactive.

Just like all universe energies the system only works when the energy of giving and taking are in balance and by that I am not implying that there needs to be the takers so that the givers can give, I am suggesting that we should have within us a balance of both giving and taking. That means that the givers need to learn to receive and the takers need to learn to give.

What can I do for you?

President John F Kennedy talking to the German people when they were rebuilding their country after the second world war famously said “Don’t ask what can my country do for me, ask what can I do for my country’. In this he was stating the universal principle that equates to the idea that if we all give, all of our needs will be met.

The magic of giving

When we belong to any group, workplace or family and so on, if we all give, that is, look after each others needs, then everyone’s needs are met. If, on the other hand, we all sit back and expect our needs to be met by the rest of the group then no one’s needs will ever be met. This is true on all levels, in all situations, all of the time.

When we learn to give we realise that there is enough of everything for everybody. There is enough food, enough water, enough money, enough love and so on, all we need to do is to give it to each other. This is hard for most human beings who fear deprivation and loss and lack of things. That in turn can lead to greed and hoarding, ownership and meanness.

The crazy thing is that if we all learned to give we could have heaven on earth right now!

The magic of receiving

Well if the law of vacuums and the natural balance of energies is true then it is not enough to simply be able to give we also need to be able to receive. For some receiving can be difficult. How do you cope when people buy you presents? Perhaps it is Christmas or your birthday how do you feel about getting gifts? Are you able to open them in front of the giver and feel comfortable? Being able to receive something is both a gift in itself and a skill.

Love is all there is

When it comes right down to it all that we ever give is love. It may be in the form of charity as money, food or water aid or disaster relief. We may volunteer our time or resources. We may give gifts for birthdays, Christmas, weddings and so on. All we ever give is love, love is all there is.

The opposite of love may be defined as hate, though perhaps it is better to think of the giving as love and the opposite of giving as simply taking without giving anything in return. Many people that live in privileged positions in our society are those that have been the takers and have gained their wealth by taking from others. Money like all energies flows and there is enough for everyone if we share it and do not hoard it.

Enjoy your giving and remember that to receive you need to give.

Take care,
Sean x

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