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Fifty Shades – The Movie!

I guess that it had to happen. The movie industry has hit another all time low and, we now have Fifty Shades the movie. I decided that it was timely to revisit the blog that I wrote at the time of the publication of the first book and reading the movie reviews it would seem […]

Influential People

Who do you remember the most? Which people have influenced you most? (Might be good or bad) Are there people that you would thank for their influence or effect on your life? Perhaps there may be people that have had a direct effect on the way that you think and feel, or on the very […]

I love me, who do you love?

Us Brits are not good at blowing our own trumpet. We can have real problems in understanding the difference between positive self-acceptance, which is really self-love, and arrogance or being up your own backside. Now, I think this is really sad because self-esteem is essential for so many things in life. From allowing us to […]

Will you be my Valentine?

So what will you be getting your loved one this Valentine’s day? Will it be the same as usual? The question is why are you doing it and what does it mean? February 14th is, we assume, a celebration of love, happiness and relationships. Or is it simply people buying cards flowers, meals and wine […]

Long Distance Love

Love is an energy that pulls things together just as hate is an energy that pushes things apart. For me love, like gravity, is the glue that holds the universe together. This attractive gravitational pull works at all levels big and small. It holds the moon around the earth and the earth around the sun. […]


Why Remember Anything? What is memory for? Memory happens in all sentient beings. It’s primary function is that of safety. Memory tells us what is safe and what is a threat. When we are able to remember we are able to survive in safety. Over time we lose memory Psychologically we remember things because we […]

Why do we fear failure

The Importance of Failure We live in a world of opposites that are totally dependent on each other, one cannot exist without the other. Hot and cold, high and low, rough and smooth, light and dark, happy and sad, positive and negative, rich and poor, good and evil, the list is endless. Yet each of […]

Humour and Offence

In the light of recent events in Paris we thought that it would be timely in this weeks podcast to address the issues of humour and offence. Which I guess begins with the idea of what is humour and what is offence? So I thought I would follow up with this blog. Humour This is […]

What is Karma?

Karma is the process of learning What goes around comes around. Everyone gets theirs in the end. Concepts of Karma are those of the consequences of action. Karma acknowledges that the things that we do have an effect, this is the consequence. Attached to that is our responsibility for what we do and the effect […]

New Beginnings Require Endings

Our collective psyche is filled with the idea that one thing follows another, when someone dies and then a baby is born we see it as an ending and a beginning. We say things like ‘when one door closes another one opens’. The magical idea of endings and beginnings is with us throughout life. In […]