Starting Over

Starting Over

It is the time of year when the summer has been spent and autumn is upon us, time to prepare for the dark months.

The classic for most of us, is that we have been in the relaxed mode of the summer sun, taking it easy, maybe a holiday but over all that feeling of chilled relaxation. Chemically, in our brains, that means that the levels of adrenalin and cortisol are low. It is this that gives us the relaxed feeling. Adrenalin and cortisol get a lot of bad press as being part of the ‘stress hormones, which they are, though they are there for a reason and it is not all bad.

These hormones are the high octane fuel that propels our everyday lives. Without them we would do nothing, life would be completely manjana and leave until tomorrow. Once we get some fuel on board we get a crack on and we get things done.

When we get back from holiday work can seem tough, it can be hard to get going again. What we need is higher levels of hormones. The problem is that in the holiday phase when the levels are low we chill out and we feel refreshed and good. Once we have been back at work for a few weeks and the levels of adrenalin and cortisol have risen we feel like we have never been away and we are then looking forward to the next holiday.

Now, if the stress hormones are high and remain high they effect our body system. High blood pressure, aches, pains, headaches, migraines etc etc are all the product of stress. To live in the madness of the world we need to both be able to crank up the chemistry when we need it and also to be able to reduce the levels and relax when we don’t. It can be easy to get the levels high all we need to do is go to work and for most of us they will automatically come right up.

The trick has to be balancing this high octane fuel with the ability to lower the stress hormones and chill out.

Well, the way to do that is called fun. For some people fun is an active thing that might involve running about, dancing, racing and generally energising. For others it will be more passive activities that might include chill-axing, reading a book, going for a stroll, watching a movie, having a massage and so on. It doesn’t matter what it is, but what does matter is that you know what is fun for you and that you do it.

Do you have a work life balance?

The phrase ‘work life balance’ is banded around in organisations. What this means is getting the balance between your work life and your home life right, so that you are effective and happy in both. There is a third that we should consider and be aware of, this is our individual personal needs. There is a balance between the needs of the workplace, the needs of the family, and our own needs. When you get this right life can be fun.

When life is fun and the things that we do become a joy every Monday becomes a joy as we head back to work and every evening becomes a joy as we head home. When life is out of balance it does not work and we become unhappy.

This time, at the change of the seasons, it is good to have a quick audit of where we are up to, make some decisions about what we want and what we are going to do and then start over and have some fun.

So what is fun for you?

Take care

Sean x

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