A watched pot never boils

We think of time as a set structural thing and yet our experience of time is really emotional. When you are in a meeting or a presentation and the speaker is uninspiring flat and boring time just seems to drag. Every time that you look at your watch it seems that little or no time has passed.

When I began meditation I started doing three minute sessions. Making the jumps to five and ten minute sessions was like climbing a mountain. Yet now I happily sit for an hour and sometimes it feels like I am only just getting into it and the time is up. I have also noticed that when I am going somewhere it always feels longer than when I am going home, strange!

Time is attached to personality or chakra types.

Mulladhara or physical type personalities live with the physical processes of their body. These happen very quickly as nerves fire off and endorphins are pumped into the system. The rods and cones in your eyes, the light sensors, are firing in milliseconds. People that live in this physical world tend to be quick, have problems staying still and want to be continually on the go. They never sit down for long and office jobs or watching the telly can bore them rigid. These people tend to get impatient, want it now and often have a short fuse.

Svadisthana or social, sensual types enjoy the time of anticipation. Were as the physical type can be too impatient to enjoy foreplay or the anticipation of an appetiser, they want the main course right now, the social type enjoys it. The preparation may be more enjoyable than the main course. These social types can be a little ambitious and want the future in the present. We call this credit and for many social types credit is there best friend. In Britain we call this keeping up- with the Jones’s.

Manipura or intellectual types can be curious. They make really good researchers and scientists, writers and reporters. They can have the dogged determination to stick on the trail like a dog with a bone. In this sense time can begin to spread out waiting for the answer or the result. Sometimes these types can suffer early onset boredom and then they will seek stimulation elsewhere. As long as they remain intellectually engaged they will stay on the case.

Anhatta or emotional types have the patience to get what they want. For them time can be very long often in terms of holding on to hurt, they do not forgive easily. They may smile at you but they do not forget. If you have crossed an anhatta they will never forget and will enjoy their revenge at a time of their choosing in the future. It does work the other way as well. If you have looked after an anhatta they will never forget that and they will look after you in return. The negative side is vendetta and mafioso.

Vishuddhi is the passed. The world of tradition and custom is there’s and that goes back as far as can be remembered or was recorded. ‘We have always done it this way’ is their phrase. Change and uncertainty scare them. They need to now where they stand and how long it will take. Because they have long memories they will hold you to your word, your promise and your commitment. Very long memory.

Ajna is the future, the vision the dream. In this world on intuition and universal connectedness time is eternal, there is no beginning, there is no end. The experience of time can be see as so great that may be counted in epics, eras, life times and incarnation. For many Ajnas the issues that we face today may have there roots in several lifetimes ago. Yet always the ajna looks to the future as either a vision or a dream, the world of will be, of what we could do, how we could make it better.

Sahasara is pure imagination. Sahasara are the image makers the creative geniuses and the artists. The images shared by Sahasara can be so vivid and so inspirational that thousands of years after their deaths people still read their words and follow their teachings and revere them as deities. Sahasara time is measured in the memory that is passed from one generation to the next.

For us all, we live in our own time world that is peculiar to us. One thing that we do know is that when we are bored time goes so slowly and when we are enjoying ourselves time flies by.

Perhaps our choice is to have the experience of a long and boring life or a quick and happy one. I’m in for the happy ride.

Take care and observe your experience of time.

Sean x

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  1. […] Here’s Sean’s blog post for the topic, well worth a read […]

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