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I am looking out of the window of my apartment in Doha Qatar.  Below me the City speeds about and I can see at least a thousand houses. Each house is full of people, thousands of people. The roads are full, sometimes gridlocked, as all these people rush from somewhere to somewhere else. They are […]

Nudge Theory

Nudging is the art of persuasion that is carried out below someone’s awareness. This  is mainly used in health and safety areas as we encourage people to look after themselves. The rumble strips as you approach a roundabout get closer and closer together giving you the sensation that your car is speeding up. Your natural […]


I was moved to do the podcast this week on health because I have, over the years, been working in some buildings that are hospitals, care homes or respite that do not feel healthy. We have a local hospital that is made of concrete and each time I go in it I wonder how anyone […]

Dictators and Psychopaths

I wanted to cover this topic as this weeks podcast and blog because I am worried about the state of things. Over the days as we record this and it goes out on the internet a variety of things will have taken place in the UK parliament. It maybe that the government is defeated and […]

Why Do We Fall for Populists?

OMG it has actually happened. I thought that somewhere along the line people would wake up and reject this idea. May has departed and BOJO has arrived and amazingly Trumpy says that BOJO is the British Trump and that we all love him….help….!!!! Somebody once said something like, ‘those that want to be leaders should […]

Happy Holidays

Wow!, it is the summer. We generally are hoping that it is hot, but not too hot.  In the colder climates of Northern Europe people are heading south to the sun. Topping up their vitamin D and replenishing their energy before the darkness and the cold of the winter to come. In the hotter humid […]

Rights of passage

You spend years developing your family. Your kids have good bits and bad bits. There are times when you could happily strangle them all and times when you love their bones. Then when you have learned to live with the madness that is called family hey, they go and leave home. The fact that they […]

How to Reform a Racist

I have brought in a few resources on this one so have a look at the links below. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-we-all-racists-deep-inside/ BBC News: Implicit bias: Is everyone racist? I am not sure if any of us are not racist. By racist I mean that we prejudge other people by where they come from not who they are. […]

Networking Works

Someone once said to me that “Networking” is what fishermen did when the weather was bad. They would repair their nets so that when the weather improved they could be out there catching fish with good tackle. Thinking about it when we go networking we are preparing for when we can do our work, same […]

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Some years ago a beautiful young girl named Mia, suffered a stroke. Strokes are tough at any age but it always seem so cruel when someone is so young. Mia was dynamic, resilient and positive. Despite what she had been through and the difficulties she was living with Mia managed to live her life as […]