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Love yourself

Loving yourself is a good starting point. Go to the mirror look at yourself in the eyes and say ‘I love you’. Most people can’t do it. Or if they do, it is with a laugh and a good dollop of disbelief. Self love is so important. Not in the arrogant self obsessed sense but […]

The Anchor to the Past

The past holds us all back. Well, that is not strictly true. It is not what has happened to us that holds us back it is our attachment to past events that is the trouble. This attachment is just like the chain on an anchor that is wedged into where we have been and is […]

Why live in the present?

Well have you ever tried to change the past? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could? Of course it is crazy to think like that. We can never change what has happened as much as we might like to. Yet many of us go over and over the past imagining how life would be if […]

Living In YOUR Present

The magic of the present, of the now, is in reality all that ever really exists.  Most of us live in the past or the future.  The past was once the present, but now our ability to affect what happened to us in the past does not exist.  Likewise the future will also eventually become […]