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On Saying No…

Is no a good word? This week Ed and I were talking about the word ‘No’. At the outset I was looking at it from the point of view of the workplace and the amount of people that I see who need to push back at the system or their boss and effectively say that […]

You are what you eat… …or so the say.

Carnivores, pescatarians, vegetarians, fruitarians, vegans, all have good reasons for following their own dietary paths. For some food is just fuel while for others it is a culinary delight. Some fear food and the effects that it will have on their bodies and they become anorexic. While others become bulimic and throw up all that […]

Thoughts on competition – is it healthy?

We are told by science that life is based on the survival of the fittest. The assumption seems to be that the strongest will survive while the weak go to the wall, that the strong will dominate the weak and therefore spread their genes. This leads us to believe that life is a competition and […]

Is Sex Overrated?

A listener emailed in and asked Ed and I to talk about sex and whether or not it was an overrated pastime. A very interesting question. We live in a sexualised society In a world that is dominated by sexual imagery in all ares of life from art to advertising it would be easy to […]

Valentines Day – Did you feel the love?

Well last weekend was Valentines Day (14th), the day of love, how was it for you? In our last episode Ed and I were talking about mood boosts and love, feeing loved, being loved and sharing love are right at the top of positive mood, self esteem, raised energy and wellbeing. The magic is in […]

How to boost your mood

In the world of mindfulness the acknowledgement that ‘thoughts become things’ leads to the understanding that we are all responsible for our own feelings. All that we think, feel and do will boost our mood either positively or negatively. The point is one of choice. It is only in awake-ness that we realise we have […]

Are You Mindful or Mindless?

Moment by moment, throughout our lives, we choose to invest our energy into being positive or negative. What we feed grows and what we starve dies. Do you choose to be positive or negative? Do you choose to be mindful or mindless? Mindful people are always part of the answer. When you are faced with […]

Struggling with Insomnia?

When you go to sleep at night you enter a deep sleep cycle known as non rapid eye movement or NREM. This is followed by a dream cycle known as rapid eye movement or REM. The time between going to sleep to the end of the dream cycle varies between 1.5 to 2 hours depending […]

Why do we crave more?

This week Ed and I were talking about the seemingly endless need that human beings have to always have more. This seems to become extreme at festive time like Christmas and Easter when we see people in the supermarket with trollies stacked high with food and other goods. It’s as though we are all preparing […]

The Power of Introversion

The Universal Balance The whole of creation is a duality of energy that forms a balance, two halves of a whole. This energy is expressed in many ways: Male – Female Yang – Yin Sun – Moon Day – Night Pursha – Praktitti Consciousness – Unconsciousness Positive – Negative Light – Dark Active – Passive […]