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TSHP197: Meditation will change your life

[button link=”https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-self-help-podcast/id663490789″ bg_color=”#2d7ec4″]Subscribe to The Self Help Podcast in iTunes[/button] What’s Coming This Episode? You’re a self help junkie so you know about meditation, but is it a regular part of your daily routine? The benefits are clear and we go through a lot of them in this episode. Welcome along Chris from Clearmind who […]

Metta – the prayer of loving kindness

Mettā (Pali) or Maitrī (Sanskrit) Metta or loving kindness meditation often comes at the end of meditation practice, though it can used as a full meditation of loving kindness. In Metta we are expressing caring and empathy for all sentient, feeling, beings. Traditionally this begins with yourself and the, like ripples from a pond spreads […]

Degrees of consciousness and the rise of fascism

This is a tough blog and very much embedded in our time and the very things that are happening around us. Across the world there is a political lurch to the right that, in many cases, is becoming fascistic. The last world war happened because, at that time, the fascist, totalitarian, dictators in Germany, Italy, […]

How a sense of purpose can keep you healthy

In the work that I do in both private and public organisations the issues of purpose and direction are strongly associated with stress. Those that feel that they do have a clear direction are more energised and even dynamic. Those that feel that they have a direction suffer less from stress related conditions. Having a […]

How to use music to boost your mood

Music is something that effects us all probably everyday. Often we see music as a creation of man. Actually, music is as normal and natural as colour and all other energy systems. But let us start at the beginning.. “In the beginning was the word…” The Gospel according to John starts with the words above. […]

Mindfulness and Cancer

It is that time of year when we look at what, for many is a scary issue, it is Cancer awareness day on the 4th Feb. Its main objective is to get as many people as possible to talk about cancer. I find these podcast and blogs some of the most difficult to do. It […]


Shame just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it is one of those things that is driven by the way that we see our selves and the way that we see the world. When a terrorist bomber is brought to court for killing many people, we might expect that they would feel […]

Is Self Help Selfish?

One of the good things about being older is that it gives you a clearer perspective on social trends and how fashions change since your childhood. I can remember when we all wore tight trousers and then fashion created bell bottoms and flares followed by the extreme of loon pants. I remember looking at them […]


This week we had Rehman Khan on the show. I met Rehman at an away day with one of the American companies that I cover here in the UK. On the away day I was giving an introduction to Mindful Mediation. For the practice session I used a breath focus technique during which Rehman fell […]

Can Money Make You Happy?

The answer is no, unless you are an addict and even then it will only be temporary. We are back to our old friend Dopamine, the love drug. Dopamine is produced in the brain and leads to feelings of joy and excitement. Dopamine is produced in response to a stimulus such as drugs or alcohol […]