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Human beings, like most animals, live in groups. We have developed words to describe this. A shoal of fish, a flock of birds, a pride of lions, a herd of cows, a troop of apes and so on. Groups of people are called things like race, ethnicity, nationality, society, community, and family. We will even […]

TSHP059: Dealing With Traumatic Events

[button link=”https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-self-help-podcast/id663490789″ bg_color=”#2d7ec4″]Subscribe to The Self Help Podcast in iTunes[/button] What’s Coming This Episode? At some point in our lives, like it or not, a potentially traumatic event will hit us. Trauma is a Greek word meaning “wound”. A wound can be physical, mental, emotional, financial and so on. The concept of trauma comes from […]

TSHP058: Why Worry?

[button link=”https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-self-help-podcast/id663490789″ bg_color=”#2d7ec4″]Subscribe to The Self Help Podcast in iTunes[/button] What’s Coming This Episode? Worrying is a habit, being happy is a habit. If you are a worrier, or if you are happy, where did you learn it? When you are a worrier it is a form of obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD. Rumination on […]

TSHP057: Finding Spirituality in Everyday Life

[button link=”https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-self-help-podcast/id663490789″ bg_color=”#2d7ec4″]Subscribe to The Self Help Podcast in iTunes[/button] What’s Coming This Episode? It’s special guest time. This week we’re joined by Chris, a 47 year old ‘bloke from Liverpool’ who has been a Kadampa Buddhist* for 15 years, who goes under the pseudonym of Vide Kadampa. Chris explains to us how he came to […]

TSHP056: Addiction & Habits Take 2!

[button link=”https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-self-help-podcast/id663490789″ bg_color=”#2d7ec4″]Subscribe to The Self Help Podcast in iTunes[/button] What’s Coming This Episode? Some addictions are unconscious habits while others are avoidance habits. It can be easy to slip into habits of behaviour through family and friends etc. You may even have a genetic propensity towards certain behaviours. What are you addicted to? It’s […]

Addiction and Happiness

Some addictions are unconscious habits while others are avoidance habits. It can be easy to slip into habits of behaviour through family and friends etc. You may even have a genetic propensity towards certain behaviours. However, some habits are the results of displacing your energy so that you avoid solving your problems in favour of […]

TSHP055: Critics, Opinions & Feedback

[button link=”https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-self-help-podcast/id663490789″ bg_color=”#2d7ec4″]Subscribe to The Self Help Podcast in iTunes[/button] What’s Coming This Episode? Feedback is either a blessing or a curse depending on whether you want it or, the intention of the person giving it to you. Feedback can be positive or negative, useful or critical. However, even critical feedback is useful when it […]

To see ourselves as others see us

Feedback is either a blessing or a curse depending on whether you want it or, the intention of the person giving it to you. Feedback can be positive or negative, useful or critical. However, even critical feedback is useful when it is well intended and given from the point of care or love. Since Ed […]

TSHP053: Forgive and Forget

[button link=”https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-self-help-podcast/id663490789″ bg_color=”#2d7ec4″]Subscribe to The Self Help Podcast in iTunes[/button] What’s Coming This Episode? First up, apologies for the sound quality on Sean’s side of the microphone this week. The test run was fine I swear! We’ll make sure all is as it should be next week once more. ^Ed Forgiveness may be difficult but […]

Forgive, let go and live

Forgiveness may be difficult but it’s not impossible. Again and again I work with people who are weighed down and disabled by their past experiences or from their negative attachment to what is happening to them right ‘now’. They can get angry with me when I talk about forgiving and letting go. They will often […]