TSHP526: A Christmas Podcast


What’s Coming This Episode?

It’s Chriiiiiistmaaaaaas! The time of year of giving and receiving. Of spending time with family and friends. Food! And more. It’s also a time to reflect and to assess.

Enjoy the show, it’s The Self Help Podcast!


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It’s Christmas time to see the light and the love

When the scientist predicted the idea of global warming they suggested ‘warm wet winters and cool dry summers’, they were right there. As people are dealing with the floods  from the various storms this year, including Storm Bert, the sand bags are out and people have fortifying their defences. Yet at the same time there are people nearer the equator are digging ever deeper wells in order to find more water and trying to put out forrest fires. It this odd? Has the world has gone mad? Or, is this the reality of global warming.

The cycles of mother nature may have nothing to do with global warming and the role that mankind has played in warming the planet, who knows?, but there is something odd is happening.

But Christmas is Christmas and the solstice is the solstice.

It is time to see the growing light of the lengthening days and shortening nights. Following the darkness of winter, that has its depth at the winter solstice and the longest night, comes the lightening, as the days draw out.  This sense of the light coming to dispel the darkness has been ever present in the psychological cycle of the year.  The festivals of Solstice, (Yuletide), originally the three days around midwinters day, December 21st, was gradually superseded by Christmas or ‘Christmastide”.  In some parts of the pagan world the festival of ‘Yule’ lasted for twelve days which became the twelve days of ‘Christmastide’.

For many of us Christmas is magical time for our children who’s excitement and expectation is wonderfully infectious.  The tree full of lights sparkle in the darkness and many streets seem so bright that they must be visible from the moon. We love the light in the dark. It is like fireworks that give the burst of light against the darkness of the sky.

Symbolically, the magic of these festivals, at this time of year, is in the realisation of the coming of the light back to the world. Psychologically this is the development of awareness and understanding, as the light dispels the darkness, or symbolically, good dispels evil.  The symbol of the star shining over Bethlehem, as the light shining in the dark, is the same as the Chinese symbol Yin and Yang or the Hindu symbol of Hatha, both showing the relationship between the duality of consciousness and unconsciousness symbolised by the Sun and the Moon. Consciousness is the light (Sun) that illuminates the darkness of unconsciousness (Moon). 

Christmas is, at its best, a time of light, of increasing awareness, of love and joy, of acceptance, and giving.  The gifts given to Jesus were represented in pagan ‘Yuletide’ by the gifts given by the farmers, and the people at the Yule feast, often these were animals that were sacrificed to God as an expression of gratitude for the coming of the light of the New Year. I have never been a lover of dark cold winters, and to know that the darkness is behind me and that ahead is the lighter warmer time of spring and the heat of summer becomes the light at the end of a tunnel.

Perhaps, individually we all have life issues that need to be resolved or worked through. The resolution of these is our journey from our darkness towards our light. Our emotional winter leads to our spring that in time will become the fullness of summer. This time of the year is my symbolic emotional and spiritual ending and rebirth in the new beginning that will become the new year.

We all deserve a new beginning. We all have the right and the power to make our lives good and right.

Enjoy the lightness and love of your festivities, be happy and merry and consciously let past go and allow yourself to move forward.

Have a wonderful Yuletide and a meaningful Christmastide

See you in the New Year

Sean x

Giving and Receiving Is Not Just For Christmas

Christmas will soon be here and we begin to talk about giving and receiving. ‘It is the season to be Jolly’. Why do we wait until Christmas to be jolly and to enjoy giving gifts or enjoy receiving them? This happiness that we expect at Christmas should be with all of us all the time, every day of the year.

The law of attraction states that we need to give in order to receive. This law is identifying that to receive requires a space for things to flow into. If, for example you give money to charity, you create a space in your financial energy that allows more energy, or money, to flow to you. Science tells us that the universe abhors a vacuum, whenever one occurs energy will flow into to fill the empty space and create a balance in the energy. What we experience as wind is nothing other that air moving form areas of high pressure to balance an area of low pressure, it is the low pressure that creates the wind flow, it is the partial vacuum that air flows into. It would seem that in everything the universe prefers a balance of energy, this is true in all systems.

Are you a giver or a taker?

It is often said that people are one or the other, givers or takers, and that is often the way that it is. In my occupational health role in organisations I see the ‘minimalists’ who will take all that they can while doing as little as possible and the ‘maximalists’ who will do all that they can to ensure that the job gets done and that the customer’s or service users needs are met. In society it is those that are doers, givers that are proactive and are carrying those that do little or nothing and are the ‘done to’. The takers who are inactive in life are carried by the givers. 

The ability to to give unconditionally to others is often the basis of happiness. We know that the act of giving benefits the giver through the production of happy hormones in the brain. It also can make the receiver feel good for the very same reason. Just like all universal energies the system only works when the energy of giving and energy of receiving is in balance. I am not implying that there need to be the takers so that the givers can give, I am suggesting that we should each have within us a balance of both giving and taking. That means that the givers need to learn to receive and the takers need to learn to give.

What can I do for you?

President John F Kennedy talking to the German people when they were rebuilding their country after the second world war famously said “Don’t ask what can my country do for me, ask what can I do for my country”. He was restating this universal principle that equates to the idea that if were all to give then all of our needs will be met.

The magic of giving  

When we belong to any group, workplace or family and so on, if we all give, that is, look after each others needs, then everyone’s needs are met. If, on the other hand, we all sit back and expect our needs to be met by the rest of the group then no one’s need will ever be met. This is true on all levels, in all situations, all of the time. 

When we learn to give we realise that there is enough of everything for everybody. There is enough food, enough water, enough money, enough love and so on, all we need to do is to learn give to each other. This is hard for most human beings, especially at times of uncertainty, when fear of deprivation and loss and lack of things effects many people. That in turn can lead to greed and hoarding, ownership and meanness.

The crazy thing is that if we all learned to give we could have heaven on earth right now!

The magic of receiving

Well if the law of vacuums and the natural balance of energies is true then it is not enough to simply be able to give we also need to be able to receive.  For some receiving can be difficult. How do you cope when people buy you presents? Perhaps it is Christmas or your birthday how do you feel about getting gifts? Are you able to open them in front of the giver and feel comfortable? Being able to receive a gift in itself is a gift and a skill.

Love is all there is

When it comes right down to it all that we ever give is love. It may be in the form of charity as money to the poor, needy or homeless, as food or water aid or disaster relief. We may volunteer our time or resources. We may give gifts for birthdays, Christmas, weddings and so on. We might see these as material giving but behind each act of giving is an act of loving. All we ever give is love, love is all there is.

Many people that are able to live in privileged positions in our society are often those that have been the takers. Often they have gained their wealth by taking it from others. Sometimes they have gained their power by taking power away from others. I have no problem with people leading rich lives, we should all be living rich lives. Money, like all universal energies works best when it simply flows around the system. There is enough for everyone if we share it and do not hoard it.

Enjoy your giving and learning to receive, remember that in order to receive well you need to give well.

Take care and remember that giving and receiving is not just for Christmas it is for everyday all year.

Sean x

TSHP525: Hygge!

What’s Coming This Episode?

Hygge is a Danish concept that is defined as a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being. This it would seem would be be the natural desire of all people. The perfect relationship between couple and in families embodies these very things. Yet, despite our best efforts, it is for many of us, so hard to attain. Divorce rates, of those that bother to marry, are high. You will have heard us going on about…

Enjoy the show, it’s The Self Help Podcast!


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Hygge is a Danish concept that is defined as a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being. This it would seem would be be the natural desire of all people. The perfect relationship between couple and in families embodies these very things. Yet, despite our best efforts, it is for many of us, so hard to attain. Divorce rates, of those that bother to marry, are high. You will have heard me going on about…

…If we all look after each other we will all be okay.

The would be no wars, conflicts would be easily resolved and happiness would the dominant emotion. Sadly as individuals we have become narcissistically obsessed with our own importance and expectation that others should do and be what we want and expect of them. Often we fear that they can be themselves and become offended that they might have opinions different to our own. Recently we visited Copenhagen and experienced Hygge first hand. People were friendly, happy and genuinely interested in people other than themself.

I have spent my life trying to support and help other people, often to my own detriment only to be belittled and diminished for not following the herd beliefs of the groups, workplace, institute, trust or even family.

What it comes down to is people’s levels of awareness and awake-ness from a consciousness point of view. The majority of human beings are in a deep asleep level of self awareness and have little or no understanding or empathy for other people even those that they are close to. There are some in a dream state of awareness living in their own dream about life and what it involves. Even less people are in the waking state and are beginning to become aware of the reality of the people around them. These are the seeds or empathy that is the precursor of Hygge. Then there are a very few who are actually awake. Many of the awakes people are the givers that seek to help others. Sadly those that are not yet awake are the takers and they take advantage of the givers. It is easy for the givers to feel used by the takers.

To be truly Hygge in our society and our relationships we need to learn to give expecting nothing in return. This is the true value of love. Often in awakeness we cannot explain things to asleep people because they just can’t see it. In the end it is easier too…

…allow the mad people to be mad but not join in.

Often awake people feel a deep sense of aloneness and with gather in communities of like minded people that live away from the asleep people.

However we can all develop Hygge and follow the Danish example and bring more hygge into our daily life by putting our own ego on one side and just being nice to and with other people rather than expecting that they do and act the way that we want them too. In the end love is all that there si the alternative is a fractured society and world built on self obsessed division and self interest.

So who can you be nice to and help today?

Take care and be happy,

Sean X